!! International Culture Fair 2024 !!

Join International Student Council for a vibrant celebration of global cultures, featuring diverse cuisines, captivating performances, and stunning fashion!
Ticket pre-sale | $1 | Tickets at the door | $2 |
Food coupons | $1 | Dish prices may vary
Tickets pre-sale available in person October 30 & 31 at University Bookstore, Memorial Union.
Regular Admission Tickets and Food Coupons are available on Sunday, November 3rd.
Sponsored by ISU College of Veterinary Medicine, ISSO, and ISU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
ISC Scholarship 2024
ISC’s annual international student scholarship is now open! Four international students who apply will be awarded $1,000 scholarships. To apply, check out this link:
For any questions, please email: isc_exec@iastate.edu

Application Process for ISC Spring 2024!
Hello Cyclone Family!

The International Student Council is a great opportunity for you to be part of an organization that works closely with Iowa State University, the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO), and a large number of Multicultural Student Organizations on campus.
We promote and showcase international diversity and culture here at Iowa State by collaborating with a multitude of International / multicultural student organizations to organize events such as International Week, International Food Fair, World Soccer Tournament. We also host events and lectures shedding light on international humanitarian issues. In addition, we work closely with the International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) and the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) to represent the voice of international students on campus.
If you are enthusiastic and passionate to learn about different cultures and work together with students from many different parts of the world, this is definitely for YOU!
All Iowa State students in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for undergraduates and 3.0 for graduates students are eligible to apply.
You DO NOT have to be an International Student to join!
International Student Council Spring 2024 Membership Application
ISC’s first-ever International Culture Fair!
Digital Pre-sale Tickets: Click Here!
In-Person Pre-sale Tickets: 11/9, 11/10 inside the Memorial Union
(Its the ticket booth near WSOS, same hallway as Panda Express!)

ISC World Soccer Tournament 2023!
Click Here For Full Rulebook
- WST is played in a World Cup format. Teams do not need to represent a specific country, region or student organization. Matches will be played indoors at Lied Recreation Athletic Center (LRAC).
- Registration is limited to 16 teams and will be on a first come first served basis. Registration fee is $50 per team.
- All players must wear tennis shoes, indoor court-type shoes, or turf shoes (No cleats on indoor turf area).
- Teams can have a maximum of 10 players and a minimum of 7, 7 on the field (6 Outfield + 1 Goalkeeper) with 3 substitutes maximum. All teams must have a captain that is a current ISU student. Non-ISU students are welcome to be on a team; however, Lied Recreation Services will have a fee upon entering their facilities for all non-ISU students. WST will not be responsible for covering this fee.
- League games on Saturday will consist of two periods of 15 minutes each, with a 3-minute half-time break between halves. Knockouts on Sunday will consist of two periods of 20 minutes each, with a 5-minute half-time break between halves and the Final will be 20-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime.
- Prizes will be awarded to first and second-place winners.

ISC Scholarship Open Now!
Dear Iowa State International Community, on behalf of ISC, we apologize for the inconvenience. We’ll have to ask you to redo your scholarship application. Due to some formatting programs, we realized there were no questions that asked for your identification, so there’s no way for us to review the applications properly.
We appreciate your interest and encourage you to re-submit your application through the new link above.

Application Process for ISC Spring 2023!
Hello Cyclone Family!

The International Student Council is a great opportunity for you to be part of an organization that works closely with Iowa State University, the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO), and a large number of Multicultural Student Organizations on campus.
We promote and showcase international diversity and culture here at Iowa State by collaborating with a multitude of International / multicultural student organizations to organize events such as International Week, International Food Fair, World Soccer Tournament. We also host events and lectures shedding light on international humanitarian issues. In addition, we work closely with the International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) and the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) to represent the voice of international students on campus.
If you are enthusiastic and passionate to learn about different cultures and work together with students from many different parts of the world, this is definitely for YOU!
All Iowa State students in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for undergraduates and 3.0 for graduates students are eligible to apply.
You DO NOT have to be an International Student to join!
Check back next semester!